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Part One

I felt something inside me change completely

“As I held my daughter for the first time, I felt something inside me change completely. Suddenly, I had a reason to live.”
- Reflections of Steve Liscano
Karizma - Steve liscano's daughter

It was a warm day in October 2002 when I stood in the hospital holding my newborn daughter for the first time. It was the most amazing feeling. But the  moment  was cut short. The feds came to the hospital to arrest me. I had sold cocaine and they charged me with drug conspiracy. Growing up, I didn't dream of becoming a drug dealer. My mom worked at a factory. My dad didn’t live with us. Times were hard. I wanted more than just milk, butter, and cheese for my family to eat. I was tired of spending nights with just candles burning for light or using the stove as a heater. As a young boy, chasing fast money made sense to me. Today, as a man, I understand chasing fast money was not the answer. But it feels too late.

That day in the hospital in 2002, I remember handing my daughter back to the nurses when officers put me in handcuffs. I haven’t held her as a free man ever since.

First strike
Age 18 - Steve possessed a baggie of cocaine in his pants pocket.
2 Years In custody
Part Two

Parenting from a Cage

“I may have deserved to be punished but my daughter did not.”
- Reflections of Steve Liscano
Letter from Steve's daughter

Nothing can even come close to the separation from my daughter. I have missed her first communion, ballet recitals, swimming classes, birthdays, holidays and every other milestone in her life. I have only been able to maintain the relationship with my daughter through calls, cards and visits. I try to help her on the phone with her math homework and guide her as much as I can from a distance.

It is difficult to convey in proper words knowing that choices I made as a lost young man, have left my baby girl feeling incomplete and heartbroken. I may have deserved to be punished but she did not.

SECOND strike
Age 23 - Steve possessed a razor blade with cocaine residue & marijuana in his bedroom.
18 Months in custody
Part Three

I Am a Man

“I can honestly say that throughout my incarceration I have been able to discover my true identity and mature as a man.”
- Reflections of Steve Liscano
Certificate of Completion steve earned in prison

I have been able to set and accomplish both short and long term goals by taking advantage of rehabilitative programs in prison. I have been determined to better myself. In 2006, I received my G.E.D. And in 2009 I completed vocational training in general construction and small and large appliance repair. Through this program I learned to build a house and worked to construct one inside a warehouse within the institution. I have completed over 50 courses on personal development and growth, parenting and education.

In 2015, I became a certified technician under the Clean Air Act. I know how to repair air conditioning systems in motor vehicles. I have also spent time furthering my passion for art. My identity is no longer drug dealer. I am an artist. That is how I define myself for myself.

THIRD strike
Steve was a member of a cocaine drug conspiracy. He declined a plea deal & was convicted after a jury trial.
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